Monday, May 25, 2015

Week 8 Coding and websites

This week, we were talking about websites and coding.  For the first hour we went to a website called hour of code.  It was pretty intresting.  You could basically play games that used logic and coding to figure out how to complete a goal.  I played the frozen one and I got to make snowflakes so that was fun.  I tried a few other ones like the angry bird/zombie/ice age games.

Then after that,  we learned how to create a website.  While doing this we learned how to use codes like html's.  So far we created one website with a question and a link to the right answer, with a picture to go with the right answer.

I think learning how to make a website is important because then I can make one to put on my resume.  Not only for that but I think it will be helpful for my student and their parents to understand what's going to happen in my class or events that are happening in class, or they can learn more about me.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

week 7 Apps

Today we did three mini lesions.  The first thing we did was to look up and app and decided how you would use it in a class room.  I ended using two apps for reading and spelling.  I tried out several types but two really stuck out because they both helped with reading and spelling.

Then after we wrote out a lession plan.  For example how we would use it what they are suppose to get out of it that kind of stuff.  Then said how we would run the classroom with tecnology and non tecnology.

Then We went on to create a App of  That was pretty cool.  I would do this for my resume to help get me hired.

Over all it was a pretty cool class.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Week 6 garage band

This week,  we learned to use garage band. It was an updated version so we are only doing an audio with some music to blend in.  Instead of using pictures, voice, and music.  We were suppose to make a lesson with garage band.  For my lesson I told a story. It is kind of a scary story so I put some scary music in it.  My project is not complete yet,  but I hope to finish it by tomorrow.

Also in class we went to a specific website and we learned how to tell if it was credible or not.  So we went around the room saying why it was or was not and giving our explanation.  If it was not we were told why it wasn't and how you can check for your class and how to teach kids how to look for a good website instead of one that could be making random information up.