Tuesday, June 2, 2015

week 10 Work day

Today is the last day before the final.  We just had a work day.  We could just work on any projects that we were missing or we could finish out final project or finish our final website. I worked on  The final project.

For the final project I went into a lot of detail about what my lesion plan was going to be like and  I liked that because I think it is good practice to plan out future classes.

week 9 Wordpress

Today we worked on creating a website.  You could have many types of websites, such as a lesion plan or a future website as a teacher pretty much anything.

I decided to go with the future teacher website.  I had to put a home page and 3 other pages.  On one of my pages I put like 4 or 5 links to other websites that had information about the filed trips our class would be taking so that was pretty fun.

You could use Wordpress or dream weaver. I tried both but I tended to like Word press more I just found it easier then Dream weaver.

In the future I will defiantly make a website for my class!